Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Cara Mandi juga memainkan peranan =D

Assalamualaikum dan Salam sejahtera,


KAJIAN terbaru berkaitan dengan mandi mendapati ia bukan saja bertujuan

untuk membersihkan diri daripada kotoran, tetapi menjauhkan stress serta

berperanan penting meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh
. Penyelidikan yang diterbitkan dalam New England Journal of Medicine menunjukkan penderita diabetes yang menghabiskan masa selama setengah jam berendam dalam air suam dapat menurunkan tingkat gula darah sekitar 13 peratus.

Kajian di Jepun pula menunjukkan 10 minit berendam dalam air panas dapat memperbaiki kesihatan jantung terutamanya untuk lelaki.

Berikut beberapa manfaat mandi kepada individu yang mengamalkannya.

Mengeluarkan racun:

Mandi air panas sekitar 32 hingga 35 darjah Celsius membuka ruang yang

dapat membantu mengeluarkan toksin. Mandi air panas membantu menurunkan

tingkat gula darah, menyembuhkan sakit otot dan membantu menjaga usus besar

supaya bekerja dengan baik. Waktu yang dianjurkan ialah selama 10 hingga 20


Mandi air sejuk sangat baik untuk meredakan ketegangan. Ia dapat

menyempitkan darah dan meningkatkan tingkat gula darah. Suhu yang

dianjurkan ialah sekitar 12 hingga 18 darjah Celsius.

Jangkitan kulit : Penyakit kulit tertentu seperti ruam atau gatal-gatal

boleh diatasi dengan menambahkan soda penaik (sodium bicarbonate) ke dalam

air mandian. Ia bertindak sebagai antiseptik. Isikan air ke bekas mandian

dan tambahkan soda penaik dan aduk sehingga rata. Digalakkan untuk berendam

selama 10 hingga 20 minit.

Selesema dan sakit kepala : Merendam kaki dalam air panas membantu

menyembuhkan selsema, sakit kepala dan menyegarkan kembali kaki yang lelah.

Masukkan air panas secukupnya dalam bekas sehingga menenggelamkan

pergelangan kaki kemudian tambahkan beberapa titis minyak seperti

lavender, peppermint atau lemon. Selepas basuh dengan air sejuk.Lakukannya

selama 10 hingga 20 minit.

Insomnia : Merendamkan kaki dalam air dingin sangat baik kepada anda. Yang mempunyai masalah imsonia atau memiliki masalah tidur. Masukkan kaki

sehingga ia merasa dingin. Perubatan ini berguna bagi kaki lelah,pendarahan

hidung, selsema dan sembelit.


Tolong sebarkan maklumat ini......... . kalau ramai orang dapat baca artikel

ni....lagi bagus kan ?

*TAPI Korg agak2 ea... jgn smpi stgh jam jer dah nak mandi... :p
hu3 smpi bile air nak kene catu nie... nasib baek nak g kije ade air... hua3... klu x... g kene pki perfume jer... :D

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Surah An-Nisa' 4: Ayat 25

Dan sesiapa di antara kamu yang tidak mempunyai kemampuan yang cukup untuk berkahwin dengan perempuan-perempuan yang baik-baik (yang merdeka, yang terpelihara kehormatannya) lagi beriman, maka bolehlah kamu berkahwin dengan hamba-hamba perempuan yang beriman yang kamu miliki dan Allah lebih mengetahui akan iman kamu; kamu masing-masing (suami yang merdeka dan isteri dari hamba abdi itu) adalah berasal sama (dari Adam dan seagama pula). Oleh itu berkahwinlah dengan mereka dengan izin walinya serta berikanlah mas kahwinnya menurut yang patut. Mereka (hamba-hamba perempuan yang akan dijadikan isteri, hendaklah) yang sopan bukan perempuan-perempuan lacur dan bukan pula yang mengambil lelaki sebagai teman simpanan. Kemudian setelah mereka (hamba-hamba perempuan itu) berkahwin, lalu mereka melakukan perbuatan keji (zina), maka mereka dikenakan separuh dari (hukuman) seksa yang ditetapkan ke atas perempuan-perempuan yang merdeka. (Hukum perkahwinan) yang demikian (yang membolehkan seseorang berkahwin dengan hamba-hamba perempuan) itu ialah bagi orang-orang yang bimbang melakukan zina di antara kamu dan sabarnya kamu (tidak berkahwin dengan hamba-hamba perempuan) itu adalah lebih baik bagi kamu dan (ingatlah), Allah Maha Pengampun, lagi Maha Mengasihani.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


If you do not smoke, then (الحمد لله). You should share this info with a friend of yours who smokes.

What does Islam Say About Tobacco Usage?
“And He makes good things halaal for them and bad things haraam.”
[Surah Al-A'raaf: Chapter #7, Ayah #157]

Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم) said: “Every intoxicant is Khamr and every intoxicant is forbidden.”
[Sahih Al-Muslim: Book #23, Chapter #7, Hadith #4963]

And we all know how harmful effects do cigarettes have on our health. So, the scholars have unanimously stated its prohibition.

What is in the cigarette smoke? (Source: Cancer Research UK)
More than 4,000 toxic chemicals are found in the cigarette smoke! Some of these are:
Nicotine – the drug that makes cigarette addictive.
Carbon monoxide – a gas that quickly enters the bloodstream, lowering oxygen supply and contributing to heart disease.
Tar – the black particles in tobacco smoke.
Formaldehyde – used to preserve dead bodies!
Nitrosamines – a group of chemicals used in pesticides!
Benzopyrene – a substance used to preserve wood!

Shocking Facts! (Source: World Health Organization)
! Tobacco kills 1 jumbo jet full of people per hour everyday worldwide.
! Tobacco usage causes cancer of lung, liver and oral, heart diseases, narrowing of blood vessels etc.
Therefore, it can also be regarded as a mean of committing suicide. Allah (سبحانه وتعالى‎) says:
“Do not kill yourselves. Allah is Merciful unto you.”
[Surah An-Nisaa: Chapter #4, Ayah #29]

Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم) said: “Whoever commits suicide with something, will be punished with the same thing in the (Hell) Fire.”
[Sahih Al-Bukhari: Volume #8, Book #78, Hadith #647]

Benefits Of Quitting Smoking:
· Your lungs won't look like burnt BBQ beef and you'll be able to taste and smell food again.
· After the first year you’ll save over 16,000 Rupees!
· You save yourself the embarrassment of having bad breath.
· You'll cough less and your teeth will be much whiter.
· Last, but not the least, you’ll earn Allah’s special blessings for giving up what is prohibited by doing repentance and never returning to smoking again,
“Indeed, Allah loves those who are constantly repentant.”
[Surah Al-Baqarah: Chapter #2, Ayah #222]

Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم) said: “When a person repents, Allah rejoices more than one of you who found his camel after he lost it in the desert.”
[Sahih Al-Muslim: Book #37, Chapter #1, Hadith #6617]

So would you like to quit smoking?

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Surah An-Nisa' 4: Ayat 17

Sesungguhnya penerimaan taubat itu disanggup oleh Allah hanya bagi orang-orang yang melakukan kejahatan disebabkan (sifat) kejahilan kemudian mereka segera bertaubat, maka (dengan adanya dua sebab itu) mereka diterima Allah taubatnya; dan (ingatlah) Allah Maha Mengetahui, lagi Maha Bijaksana.

Friday, April 9, 2010

4 pendidikan roh yang kita lalui dalam kehidupan harian kita.

1) MUAHADAH(Perjanjian)~ Setiap Hari kita nak tingkatkan perjanjian kita dengan Allah swt untuk mengesakan Allah swt. Sejak dalam perut ibu(di alam roh) lagi kita telah mengikat janji dengan Allah. Menunaikan janji merupakan tanggungjawab dan amanah kita terhadap Allah swt.
Tauhid Rubbubiyah, Tauhid Uluhiyah perlu jelas dan faham.
"Hanya kepada Engkaulah kami menyembah dan hanya kepada Engkaulah kami mohon pertolongan"(Al-fatihah:5)
"Dan orang-orang yg memelihara amanat-amanat(yang dipikulnya) dan janjinya."(Mukminun:8)
"Sesungguhnya solahku, ibadahku dan hidupku dan matiku hanya kepada Allah sekalian alam."

2) MURAQABAH(pengawasan@pemantauan)~ Merasai keagungan Allah setiap masa sama ada dikala sunyi, sendiri atau ketika dikhalayak ramai. Apa2 shj yg kita lihat disekeliling kita hendaklah hubungkan terus hati kita dengan kebesaran Allah swt. Kita kena rasai setiap gerakgeri kita dipantau atau dilihat Allah swt.

3) MUHASABAH(semak diri) ~ Setiap hari kita perlu semak diri kita, untuk melihat amal apa yang telah kita lakukan. Sama ada kebaikan atau keburukan. Kita kena mohon ampun kpd Allah selalu. Ini cukup memberi kesan dalam hati dan terhadap roh kita.

4) MUJAHADAH(berjuang) ~ Semangat mujahadah kena sentiasa hidup dalam diri seorang mukmin. Hanya semangat yang kuat sahaja mampu melawan nafsu yang mengajak kita jauh dari Allah swt. Secara serius kita kena dapatkan keredhaan Allah swt. Inilah matlamat hidup kita sebenarnya.

~Oleh itu wahai saudara/saudari, marilah kita sampaikan pngetahuan dan pemahaman kita kepada mereka yg masih lg mncari kebenaran dan mereka yg makin terpesong drpd ajaran Islam.

~* Sesungguhnya sebaik-baik manusia adalah mereka yang memberi manfaat(faedah-baik) kepada orang lain *~

Monday, April 5, 2010

History of Khulafa' Ar-rasyidin


The first four Caliphs who ruled after the death of Muhammad are often quoted as the Khulafah Rashidun.
The Rashidun were either elected by a council (see The election of Uthman and Islamic democracy) or chosen based on the wishes of their predecessor. In the order of succession, the rashidun were:

Abu Bakr (632-634 A.D.)
Umar ibn al-Khattab, (Umar І) (634-644 A.D.)
Uthman ibn Affan (644-656 A.D.)
Ali ibn Abi Talib (656-661 A.D.)

Hasan ibn Ali was appointed as Caliph in 661 following the death of Ali and is also regarded as a righteous ruler by Sunni Muslims[2], although he was recognized by only half of the Islamic state and his rule was challenged and eventually ended by the Governor of Syria, Muawiyah ibn Abi Sufyan.
In addition to this there are several views regarding additional rashidun. Umar ibn Abdul Aziz (Umar ІІ), who was one of the Ummayyad caliphs, is sometimes regarded as one of the Rashidun and is quoted by Taftazani. In the Ibadhi tradition, only Abu Bakr and Umar are considered to be the Two Rightly Guided Caliphs. Suleiman the Magnificent and Abdul Hamid I of the Ottoman period are regarded by some to be amongst the rightly guided Caliphs.
Ibn Hajr al-Asqalani includes the Khulafah of the Bani Abbas (i.e., the Abbassids) in his enumeration.

Abu Bakr
Main article: Abu Bakr
Soon after Muhammad's death a gathering of prominent Ansar and some of the Muhajirun, in Medina, acclaimed Abu Bakr as the successor to Muhammad or the Caliph.
Following his succession, various Arab tribes rebelled against Abu Bakr, refusing to pay the zakat, claiming that they would make the salah but wouldn't give charity. Abu Bakr insisted that the zakat and the salah both must be done to be a complete Muslim. This was the start of the Ridda wars (Arabic for the Wars of Apostasy).
After restoring peace in Arabia, Abu Bakr directed his generals towards the Byzantine and Sassanid empires.
Some traditions about the origin of the Qur'an say that Abu Bakr was instrumental in preserving it in written form, as he was the first to order the collection of the sacred revelations.
Abu Bakr died in 634 in Medina, naming Umar ibn al-Khattab as his successor shortly before his death.

Umar ibn al-Khattab
Main article: Umar ibn al-Khattab
Umar was named caliph through the same deliberation process that had brought Abu Bakr into leadership. During Umar's reign Muslims conquered Mesopotamia, parts of Persia, Egypt, Palestine, Syria, North Africa and Armenia.[citation needed]
The general social and moral tone of the Muslim society at that time is well-illustrated by the words of an Egyptian who was sent to spy on the Muslims during their Egyptian campaign. He reported:
"I have seen a people, every one of whom loves death more than he loves life. They cultivate humility rather than pride. None is given to material ambitions. Their mode of living is simple... Their commander is their equal. They make no distinction between superior and inferior, between master and slave. When the time of prayer approaches, none remains behind..."
Umar (in English usually called Omar) was known for his simple, austere lifestyle. Rather than adopt the pomp and display affected by the rulers of the time, he continued to live much as he had when Muslims were poor and persecuted. In 639, his fourth year as caliph and the seventeenth year 17 since the Hijra, he decreed that the years of the Islamic era should be counted from the year of the Hijraand. Umar died in 644, after he was stabbed by Abu-Lu'lu'ah in the Masjid al Nabawi mosque in Medina.
Whilst on his deathbed, he was urged to select a successor, which he refused to do. He did however put a process in place for selection of a successor. This comprised the remaining members of the ten companions promised paradise (Al-Asharatu Mubashsharun) to elect from amongst themselves a Caliph within 3 days. The result of this process following his death was Uthman ibn Affan.

Uthman ibn Affan
Main article: Uthman ibn Affan
Uthman (in English often called Othman) also referred to as Usman or Osman in other dialects. reigned for twelve years, and during his rule, all of Iran, most of North Africa, the Caucasus and Cyprus were conquered and incorporated into the Islamic empire. His rule was characterized by increasingly centralized control of revenues from the provinces, aided by governors drawn largely from his kinsmen in the Umayyad clan. Uthman appointed many of his kinsmen as governors of the new domains. Some of his governors were accused of corruption and misrule.
Uthman is perhaps best known for forming the committee which compiled the basic text of the Qur'an as it exists today. During the end of his reign, Uthman ordered the compilation of the text. He sent copies of the sacred text to each of the Muslim cities and garrison towns, and destroyed alternative versions.

Ali ibn Abi Talib
Main articles: Ali caliphate and First Fitna
After the death of Uthman, Medina was in political chaos for a number of days. Many of the companions approached Ali to take the role of Caliph, which he refused to do initially.[citation needed]
After his appointment as caliph, Ali dismissed several provincial governors, some of whom were relatives of Uthman, and replaced them with trusted aides such as Malik ibn Ashter . Ali then transferred his capital from Medina to Kufa, the Muslim garrison city in what is now Iraq. The capital of the province of Syria, Damascus, was held by Mu'awiyah, the governor of Syria and a kinsman of Uthman, Ali's slain predecessor.[3]
His caliphate coincided with the First Fitna. The First Fitna, 656–661 CE, followed the assassination of the third caliph, Uthman Ibn Affan, continued during the caliphate of Ali, and was ended, on the whole, by Muawiyah's assumption of the caliphate. This civil war is often called the Fitna, and regretted as the end of the early unity of the Islamic ummah (nation). This civil war created permanent divisions within the Muslim community and Muslims were divided over who had the legitimate right to occupy the caliphate.[4]
Ali is most well known for his enormous contributions to Islam due to the wisdom imparted from his numerous sermons and sayings, many of which have been compiled in a book titled "Nahj Al-Balaghah" or "Peak of Eloquence".
According to tradition, three Muslim zealots (purists later termed Kharijites) attempted to assassinate Ali, Mu'awiyah and `Amr, as the authors of disastrous feuds among the faithful. However, only the assassination of Ali succeeded. He died on the 21st of Ramadan in the city of Kufa (Iraq) in 661 CE.

Kind Treatment to Animals

Prophet Muhammad (SallAllahu 'alayhi wa'alihi wa'sallam) said: “While a man was walking on a road. he became very thirsty. Then he came across a well, got down into it, drank (of its water) and then came out. Meanwhile he saw a dog panting and licking mud because of excessive thirst. The man said to himself ‘This dog is suffering from the same state of thirst as I did.’ So he went down the well (again) and filled his shoe (with water) and held it in his mouth and watered the dog. Allah thanked him for that deed and forgave him.”

[Sahih Al-Bukhari: Volume #8, Book #73, Hadith #38]

Animal Rights In Islam:

During the pre-Islamic era, not only the humans were treated unjustly but the animals also suffered the oppression. Later on, Islam not only came to lay down the rights for humans but has also laid down the rights for the animals. Animals, like humans are one of the creations of Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta'ala), they have their own emotions, desires and way of living like us.

Prophet Muhammad (SallAllahu 'alayhi wa'alihi wa'sallam) was not only sent as a mercy to mankind but also as a blessing to all creatures as Allah testifies in the Qur’an:

“And We have not sent you, [O Muhammad], except as a mercy to the worlds.”

[Surah Al-Anbiya: Chapter #21, Ayah #107]

Thus Prophet Muhammad (SallAllahu 'alayhi wa'alihi wa'sallam) was one of the original animal rights activists. He had great respect for them, protected them and encouraged all his followers to be responsible in the way they treated them. Unfortunately in our times, one of the forgotten “Sunnah” of the Prophet Muhammad (SallAllahu 'alayhi wa'alihi wa'sallam) is that of compassion to all beings, including animals. So we should treat the animals with the same kindness that we show to the people around us.

How Should We Treat The Animals?

1. We should not be cruel to them.

Hisham bin Zaid narrated that Anas and I went to Al-Hakam bin Ayub. On the way Anas saw some boys shooting at a tied hen. Anas said: “The Prophet (SallAllahu 'alayhi wa'alihi wa'sallam) has forbidden the shooting of tied or confined animals.”

[Sahih Al-Bukhari: Volume #7, Book #67, Hadith #421]

2. We are instructed not to overburden the domestic animals.

Burdening an animal with more load than that which it can easily carry is again a wrongful practice which is forbidden.

Prophet Muhammad (SallAllahu 'alayhi wa'alihi wa'sallam) passed by a camel whose stomach quite touched its back (from lack of food). Upon seeing this he said: “Fear God in these unspeaking animals! Ride them while they are in good health, and feed them when they are in good condition.”

[Sunan Abu-Dawud: Book #14, Hadith #2542]

3. We should not imprison the animals.

Unfortunately, now a days caging of the birds has become widespread, we heartlessly cage the birds which in opposite are created by Allah to fly without having boundaries. If you have any birds caged at home, please think of setting them free, Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta'ala) will reward you tremendously! And if you know any friend of yours who keeps birds at home, advise him/her to set the birds free.

Prophet Muhammad (SallAllahu 'alayhi wa'alihi wa'sallam) said: “A lady was punished because of a cat which she had imprisoned till it died. She entered the (Hell) Fire because of it, for she neither gave it food nor water as she had imprisoned it, nor set it free to eat from the vermin of the earth.”

[Sahih Al-Bukhari: Volume #4, Book #56, Hadith #689]

4. We should take care of them.

The people asked: “O Messenger of Allah! Is there a reward for us in serving the animals?” Prophet Muhammad (SallAllahu 'alayhi wa'alihi wa'sallam) said: “There is a reward for serving any animate (living being).”

[Sahih Al-Bukhari: Volume #8, Book #73, Hadith #38]

So, if we find an injured animal laying on the road or wherever, we should take it immediately to veterinary OR if that is not possible then we should take it to our home and look after it (it isn’t difficult) OR if that is not possible either then we should put the injured animal/bird to a safer place and pray to Allah that He may heal it.

5. Benefits of Pets!

Scientific researches suggest that animals are known to have effects on human health. The best known effects of companion animals are:

i. Lowering of blood pressure under moderate stress.

ii. Relaxing effects of watching ornamental fish.

iii. Children who are brought up in the presence of animals show many benefits in the following:

Better non-verbal communication, high levels of self-esteem and social competence.

6. If you do not want to keep a pet your house, then you can still earn rewards from Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta'ala) through so many other means. For example,

* You can take a bowl (which is of no use for you), pour water in it and place it in your backyard or wherever open to allow birds to drink from it, it will not cause any mess and you can quench the thirst of so many animals and birds and in return you can get so many prayers from them!

* Similarly if you have any eatables left over, you can feed it to stray cats or birds, and again it will not cause any mess but you’ll earn Allah’s blessings!

Islam takes great care when laying down its rules and regulation and has made sure that men do not behave with cruelty towards the animals. Indeed Islam is a mercy for everyone. It is not only a religion but a complete way of life which even secures the rights of animals!


Friday, April 2, 2010

Surah Ali 'Imran 3: Ayat 103~[3:103]

Dan berpegang teguhlah kamu sekalian kepada tali Allah (agama Islam) dan janganlah kamu bercerai-berai dan kenanglah nikmat Allah kepada kamu ketika kamu bermusuh-musuhan (semasa jahiliah dahulu), lalu Allah menyatukan di antara hati kamu (sehingga kamu bersatu-padu dengan nikmat Islam), maka menjadilah kamu dengan nikmat Allah itu orang-orang Islam yang bersaudara dan kamu dahulu telah berada di tepi jurang Neraka (disebabkan kekufuran kamu semasa jahiliah), lalu Allah selamatkan kamu dari Neraka itu (disebabkan nikmat Islam juga). Demikianlah Allah menjelaskan kepada kamu ayat-ayat keteranganNya, supaya kamu mendapat petunjuk hidayatNya.